To Renew or To Not Renew

This month's theme for Scientiae is Renewal. I've been thinking about that a lot. There's a few things that I'm trying to decide whether or not to renew. And a few things that I definitely want to renew, but it's a matter of figuring out how.

Starting out with something I want to renew. The Main Project of my dissertation. This deals with fluorescence type stuff (like FRET and anisotropy). I really need to work on balancing the projects that I'm working on in the lab. I'm beginning not to be so afraid of working with yeast (thanks!). Things are looking simpler in that respect, leaving me free to work on other things. So, I want/need to renew the work on Main Project.

Another thing that I want to renew, but has to wait until after deadline, is house hunting. Yep, when Dr. Man moves back we're buying a house. I think this makes me dangerously close to being a “grown-up.”

Something I'm not sure I want to renew: medication for depression. Wow, all this personal information! I've got the big, bad mental illness, the big D. Just wanting to be clear here, this wasn't caused by grad school. I'm not saying this hasn't exacerbated the problem. But I've dealt with it (normally) without said medication. So, I'm thinking about stopping it. (This will probably be a blog post of itself. Or this may be the only time I mention this. I'll have to decide whether or not to renew this topic.)

Things I definitely do not want to renew:
-13 hour work days (heck, anything over 10 hours is a bit too much for me)
-Having work piled on me
-Burn out
-Bush's term as president

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