
Bless me internet for I have sinned, I am a bad grad student.

I took the entire past weekend off from the lab (I was here yesterday, though). Yep, I took two whole days off from lab work. I didn't even do any work-related reading. It was glorious. I did nothing and it was everything I thought it could be. Instead of going into the lab, I did the following:
As a consequence, I felt wonderful on Monday and today. I was very productive (for the first time in a while) in the lab yesterday and today. This new-found productivity has made me decide to change my work schedule. From now on I will be in lab for no more than 10 hours a weekday or 5 hours on the weekend and take at least one entire day off a week. If it takes me an extra few months to graduate, so be it. Hopefully, this schedule will keep me more productive than my previous one (and, hopefully, I'll be able to stick to this schedule).

Now, all I have to do is to figure out some time to exercise and I'll be doing great.

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