I'm hosting Scientiae for March. First of all, I'm really pleased that Scientiae is continuing. The carnival is what got me into blogging in the first place.
Now the difficult part: trying to figure out a theme for this month. I've never hosted Scientiae before and I didn't realize how tricky this could be! At last I've settled on a very broad topic: Continuity. The word applies not only to Scientiae (we're on year 3!), but Science, too. To start you all thinking about this topic I looked it up in the OED.
noun ( pl. -ties)
1. the unbroken and consistent existence or operation of something over a period of time
• a state of stability and the absence of disruption
• (often continuity between/with) a connection or line of development with no sharp breaks
2. the maintenance of continuous action and self-consistent detail in the various scenes of a movie or broadcast : [as adj. ]
Of course, if you would like to write about something not on this topic, that's perfectly fine, too. Please email a permalink to your post to scientiaecarnival [a] gmail [dt] com by 11:59pm on February 27th. (Don't worry I'll send an email to the Scientiae Google Group to remind you!) I'll post the carnival by 11:59pm on March 1st. I'm looking forward to everyone's submissions!Labels: scientiae-carnival